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Orient Weekly Watch: CSIORS Edition - Friday, April 19th, 2024

2024-04-19 15:53


Articles, World-Bank , Libyan-Economy, Economic-Growth , Stability-Oil-Sector, Cyprus-Halts-Asylum, Syrian-Refugees-Lebanon , Malta-Pushbacks-Libya, Greek-Island-Hotspots, Jordan-Reopens-Airspace , Iraq-Lebanon-Airspace-Reopen, Iran-Attacks-Israel , Israeli-Gaza-Tensions,

Orient Weekly Watch: CSIORS Edition - Friday, April 19th, 2024

Let us navigate the Middle East nuances: economic expansion in Libya; Syrians asylum requests blocked; Jordan's airspaces reopen.


Let us guide you through the Middle East with curated links: insightful analyses and forecasts from top sources on regional complexities.



Libyaobserver.ly: World Bank Forecasts Economic Expansion in Libya Over Next Two Years

The World Bank predicts Libya's economy will grow between 4.8% and 5.8% from 2024 to 2026, conditioned on political and oil sector stability. Despite a nearly balanced budget and a stable current account surplus, challenges like high unemployment and oil wealth control disputes persist.


Ecre.org: Cyprus Halts Syrian Asylum Requests Amid Dire Conditions in Lebanon and Syria

Cyprus halts Syrian asylum requests amid influx from Lebanon and Syria. Meanwhile, concerns rise over conditions faced by Syrian refugees in Lebanon. NGOs call on Malta to halt pushbacks to Libya, citing human rights violations. European Court of Human Rights condemns conditions in Greek island "hotspots." Hellenic Coast Guard officers face investigation for alleged misconduct, while Iranian refugee's appeal trial sparks calls for fair treatment.


Aljazeera.com: Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq Reopen Airspace Previously Closed Due to Iran's Attacks on Israel

Jordan, Iraq, and Lebanon reopen airspace post Iran's attacks on Israel. Israel also resumes airspace operations. Iran's retaliatory strikes prompt international concerns amid ongoing Israeli-Gaza conflict.