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Orient Weekly Watch: CSIORS Edition - Friday, December 1st, 2023

2023-12-01 10:58


Articles, International Relations , Immigration , morocco, Tunisian Migration, tunisia, italy, libya, russia, Iran-Russia-Deal, Military-Agreement, Sukhoi-SU35, Mi28-Attack-Helicopters, Iran-Military, Breaking-Defense, Huawei-Digital-Transformation, E-Health-Forum, David-Li-Speech, Cybersecurity-Privacy, Morocco-Digital-Evolution, Italian-Interior-Minister, Collaboration-Libya-Tunisia, Voluntary-Returns, Joint-Control-Room, Human-Trafficking,

Orient Weekly Watch: CSIORS Edition - Friday, December 1st, 2023

Let us navigate the Middle East nuances: digital trasformation in Morocco; Italy called Libya for immigrant control; Iran and the deal for military jets.


Let us guide you through the Middle East with curated links: insightful analyses and forecasts from top sources on regional complexities.



Moroccoworldnews.com: Huawei Commits to Backing Morocco's Digital Transformation in E-Health Forum

Huawei, at the International E-Health Forum in Rabat, reiterated its commitment to driving Morocco's digital transformation, particularly in healthcare. General Manager David Li highlighted the social and economic benefits of digitalization, emphasizing its necessity for every country. Chief Cyber Security Officer Youssef Ait Kaddour stressed Huawei's dedication to cybersecurity and privacy, while Head of Marketing Chakib Achour outlined the company's contributions to e-Health infrastructure and ongoing projects in Morocco, aiming to share expertise and support the region's digital evolution.


Libyaobserver.ly: Italy Calls on Libya and Tunisia to Establish Control Center for Voluntary Immigrant Returns

Italian Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi urged collaboration with Libya and Tunisia to enhance voluntary returns of illegal immigrants. During a Rome meeting with counterparts Emad Al-Trabelsi and Kamal Feki, Piantedosi emphasized the need for a joint control room and strengthened cooperation. The focus was on targeting human traffickers, exchanging information, and finding urgent solutions for illegal immigration. Al-Trabelsi sought support for training and logistical needs for relevant authorities to improve their capabilities.


Breakingdefense.com: Iran Declares Completion of Long-Awaited Agreement for Russian Fighter Jets and Helicopters

Iran has reportedly concluded a deal with Russia for Sukhoi SU-35 fighters, Mi-28 attack helicopters, and Yak-130 trainers. While specifics remain undisclosed, the move signals Iran's push to bolster its air capabilities, particularly in air-to-air and air-to-ground combat. Concerns linger over the challenges faced by the Russian industry, potentially impacting the quality of the delivered products. The growing Iran-Russia alliance has raised US concerns, especially regarding Iran's support for Russia in the Ukraine conflict. The White House has expressed worries about potential collaboration, including the transfer of ballistic missiles to Russia.