The Middle East Institute at Sakarya University organized its sixth Middle East Congress focused on politics and society in MENA countries. Participants from all around the world gathered after years of pandemics at Sakarya University campus on 11th of November.
The director of the Middle East Institute Professor Tuncay Kardas had his opening speech, in which he described necessity of new approach to the Middle East affairs. He called this a new humanistic approach.

Attendees had opportunity to listen to several academics and politicians not only from Middle Eastern countries but even from EU. Professor Ahmet Nuri YURDUSEV presented in his keynote speech about European and Ottoman Impact in the Making of the Modern Middle East.

Other interesting panel discussions followed. Professor Elsadig Elfaqih moderated discussion with Mehmet ÖZKAN, Mohammed ALGHIRANI, and Jawad ANANI. Mr ANANI, Jordan's former deputy prime minister, foreign minister, chief of the Royal Court, and coordinator of the peace process negotiating team, told attendees of the congress stories about his relationships with former turkish leaders like Suleyman DEMIREL or Turgut OZAL.
Another panel discussion was moderated by Furkan Halit YOLCU. Sometimes the role of the moderator is underestimated, but in this case Mr YOLCU was not only able to present highly professional questions but managed to sum up all speeches and added very comprehensive conclusions.
The congress continued on Saturday and Sunday with several interesting speeches. The most remarkable of Muhammad Soliman AL-ZAWAWY, in which he presented analyses of the Russian-Ukranian´s war impact on Middle East.