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Newarab.com: France to Commit Investment in Western Sahara Following Reconciliation with Morocco, Despite Potential Displeasure from Algeria
France is set to invest in Western Sahara following renewed ties with Morocco, ending a two-year diplomatic conflict. Africa Intelligence reports French encouragement for companies to explore opportunities in the territory. French Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné affirmed support for Morocco's development efforts during a visit to Rabat in February. The move follows strained relations after the Pegasus scandal and disputes over Western Sahara. France's stance risks its relationship with Algeria, but its motives are both political and economic, as the region holds valuable phosphate resources coveted by Western investors.
Thenationalnews.com: Egypt's Advantages from $50 Billion in Foreign Financial Boost
Egypt received over $50 billion in financing in the first quarter of this year, addressing immediate economic challenges and facilitating reforms, including privatization efforts. While this financial boost has stabilized food prices and spurred progress in key sectors, sustained reforms are crucial for long-term stability amid high inflation and significant financing needs.
Tehrantimes.com: Iran and Turkey Confer on Broadening Energy Collaboration
Iranian and Turkish energy ministers met in Tehran to discuss expanding energy cooperation and boosting bilateral trade. Iran expressed readiness to involve Turkish companies in its oil projects, while Turkey affirmed its commitment to extending the gas import contract with Iran. Discussions also focused on investment in gas field development and infrastructure renovation.